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Atualizado: 13 de out. de 2021

Intensifiers are adverbs that strengthen an adjective. They are used to give emphasis.

You're very calm.

Você é muito calmo/a.

She's so beautiful!

Ela é tão bonita!

That thing is really interesting.

1. Aquela coisa é bem interessante.

2. Aquela coisa é realmente interessante.

She's so beautiful!

Ela é tão bonita!

They're absolutely right.

Eles estão absolutamente corretos.

I felt extremely sorry after what I did.

Eu me senti extremamente arrependido depois do que eu fiz.

We're dealing with highly advanced players here.

Estamos lidando com jogadores altamente (bem) avançados aqui.

This bedroom is totally messed up.

Esse quarto está totalmente bagunçado.

- Quite means less than very, but more than a little.

Walking around the park was quite good, but the best part was going to the beach. Caminhar pelo parque foi muito bom, mas a melhor parte foi ir à praia.

I'm sorry. It's quite inevitable.

Desculpa. Isso é praticamente inevitável.

- Too means it's more than necessary.

This food is too salty.

Essa comida está salgada demais.

You're too confident.

Você está confiante demais.

- Rather means (quite) when it's used with negative words. When it's used with positive words or ideas, it means surprisingly (better than expected).

The exam was rather difficult.

A prova estava bem/bastante difícil.

He's rather disappointed in you. Ele está bastante decepcionado com você.

His project was rather good, actually.

O projeto dele estava muito bom, na verdade.

- Pretty is similar to quite and rather. They're not as strong as 'very', but they give emphasis in a particular way that shows it's less than very, but more than a little. Pretty is more used in spoken informal conversations.

Are you sure? - I'm quite sure. (formal/neutral)

Tem certeza? - Tenho bastante certeza.

Are you sure? - I'm pretty sure. (informal)

Tem certeza? - Tenho bastante certeza.

It's pretty good.

Isso tá muito bom!

I'm pretty busy.

Eu estou muito ocupado!

She's so pretty.

Ela está tão linda. (Be careful not to get confused. Pretty can also be used as an adjective. When it's used before another adjective, you'll know it's an intensifier.)

Article Placement - quite x pretty

Mom's quite a good singer. (in the middle)

Dad's a pretty good dancer. (before pretty)

Other intensifiers:

Amazingly, exceptionally, remarkably, awfully, incredibly, utterly, seriously, bitterly.

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