Escolha um dos temas abaixo e escreva um texto expressando sua opinião de forma complexa e seguindo os guidelines para a construção do texto. Você poderá citar fatos, histórias e eventos relacionados ao tema escolhido para complementar o texto opcionalmente. Após a postagem dos textos, cada aluno fará pelo menos (2) comentários livres concordando ou discordando das opiniões apresentadas por duas pessoas diferentes.
Gun Control Marriage Equality Death Penalty (Capital Punishment)
Addiction to videogames - a disease? Creation x Evolution
Religious Freedom
Marijuana Legalization Current Presidency of Brazil/USA. Animal Rights
The Pharmaceutical Industry (pills)
Plastic Surgery
__________________________________________________________________________________ Guidelines (diretrizes): O seu texto deverá ter os seguintes principais elementos linguísticos: - Tente fazer uso de pelo menos 80% do que será pedido abaixo. Connectors (addition, contrast, result, illustration, purpose, etc.) - Use pelo menos 3 conectores no seu texto principal e 1 conector em cada comentário que fizer no post de outras pessoas. - If-clauses - Pelo menos 1 vez no texto principal - Punctuation Markers (use: periods, commas e pelo menos 1 vez faça o uso de semicolon)
- Giving Opinions - Intermediate Expressions - Modal Verbs - Present Perfect (forms)
- Relative Pronouns
- Prefixes & Suffixes
- Adverbs (mode)
TEXT LENGTH - Min: 6 lines (computer) / 12 lines (phone)
Religious Freedom
Religious freedom is very important to our society. The free will to decide on choices of your life should be only yours.
However, people try to impose their wish on other people and who do not follow are wrong, creating division. God dislikes segregation. He talks about love regardless of your belief or private life.
Nowadays, we see people who die in the name of God in some places in the world. They also use the bibble to gain confidence and arrive to power.
Recently, we saw a case in the government of Brazil with polluted churches with politics, leading them to forget their highest purpose.
I’m pretty sure that religion should make people better, bring faith and hope to the world, transmit love and do good.
The presidential run in Brazil is starting, only one year after Lula's victory over Jair Bolsonaro in the second ballot in 2022. The formula was also seen in the United States of America, when Donald Trump lost to Joe Biden in 2020. It is often possible to find some similarities between the cases.
First, the American case needs to be understood. Trump, a famous businessman and a TV showman, showed up as "outsider". Besides That, he would be the man who would "fix" the USA. The republican approved conservative proposals; furthemore, improved the economy and increased jobs. Despite that, displeased more than pleased and finished his govern in only four years and was marked by the attacks on the capitol.
Bolsonaro, who followed in the footsteps of Trump, tried to repeat some things in Brazil. The former brazilian army captain, who also gained fame in TV shows, aproved conservative proposals, however he didn't have the same efficiency to improve the economy and increase jobs. I could be wrong, but in my opinion, if Bolsonaro had not belittled the covid-19, he would have managed to get re-elected.
Right now, Trump and Bolsonaro want to be powerful again and although the former Brazilian president lost the right to run, he is still very influential and is preparing a successor. The former American president tried the reelection; however, he can be arrested for tax reasons. According to "The New York Times", Trump can be become the first president to govern under house arrest if found guilty and still win the 2024 election against Biden.
I strongly bilieve that Religious freedom is an issue to be taken seriously and We haven't talked much about it And it is necessary, because it encompasses the freedom of the human right, whether one agrees to prevent the other from expressing their faith, be peacefully or violently, agree to be treated equally, this is not acceptable!
Concerning the Expression of Faith, Of course, it has to be done in a way that doesn't hurt others, for some feel that their liberty gives them the right to offend those who are contrary to their idea. Every belief and the person who professes it needs to be respected, can’t Jump on the bandwagon of underestimate the one we think is wrong, Furthermore Governments must guarantee this right creating laws to punish those who exceed these limits.
We can disagree without hatred and diverge without violence, Hate causes separation and religion is to unite, For the meaning of the word is to rebind, we have a duty not to offend and a right not to be offended.
“Romans 14.5 One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind.
Zechariah 4:6 ... ‘Not by might nor by violence, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.”
As is known, some european countries have had problems with population density. It could be explained by the evasion of young people and an higher longevity of old population. If you ask me how can a country solve this issue, I'd say to enhance the imigrantion program of these places. In my humble opinion, when you bring good imigrants, wiliing to work and live in peace you put a workforce in your labor market. It certainly improves the economy and the governament gets more taxes. However, the imigration prgram must be complete and eficienty to avoid bad person in this country. For example, Canada has a good imigration program. Meanwhile, England keeps have difficulties to receive new people to live there. I don't know if these thoughts will be used for the whole world, nonetheless this issue must be solved.
Animals have rights like humans, however, few people know these rights. Animals have rights food, water, freedom, care, but we humans are found to be superior than others seres and nature. Many animals are dead owing meat industry and others owing burned and human' irresponsibility. I believe the human species do not have salvation. We deathing others humans and others life seres, we are selfish and more people only think money. I will hope the future animals will be freedom and more people will see that the animals feel pain and will stop eating meat and others animals products.
You've probably heard the term "vaccine" recently. Vaccines are substances that are introduced into the body to help prevent infection by a particular disease. The substance prompts an immune response in your body so that when you come into contact with something like chicken pox or influenza, your body is already prepared for it therefore vaccines allow us to protect ourselves from contracting diseases without having to experience any of their negative effects through getting sick ourselves. The antibodies produced as a result of vaccination are very similar if not identical to those naturally produced by our bodies. In dispite of the vaccine is as important as we can see, there are people who are against it, due to ignorance or lack of knowledge; however, I feel that in this pandemic, we can see that the vaccine is very important and we should believe in science to the fullest, as long as you are sure what the vaccine you are taking is about.
In my opinion, the pharmaceutical industry brings many benefits and problems. The benefits of the pharmaceutical industry is the main one, the medicine. The industry's problems are the European air and the lack of employment, as the procedure is not done by humans but by machines. This type of industry is like a commercial, it sells nationally and internationally, but it is a pharmaceutical industry. The people who work in this industry earn very well, as the drugs are not cheap, on the contrary, and quite expensive. We Brazilians can import the ready-made medicine or the raw material to make the product
Animal Rights
Animals have been our friends for a long time, specifically dogs and cats. They are with us for thousands of years ( or even more ) and that is what will be discussed now.
There are many different kinds of pets around the world, and many of them can suffer because of a lack of knowledge of some people. Animals usually are victims of aggression, and many times the people who does it hardly ever go to jail. It just happens in a few cases: The pet dies; someone sees it and reports it to the authorities; or the person gets caught doing something to the pet. In each of the cases, the citizen goes to jail just for a little time like months. I frequently get uncomfortable when I watch some news about it, because I have been caring of my dog for 5 years, and particularly I do not want anything to happen with it. A pet is an animal to take care of. Every animal deserve respect. Most of them are lovely beings. If we don't care of them, we will lose the best friends of the human.
June is the “Pride Month”, when it is celebrated a tribute to those who were involved in the Stonewall Riots in 1969. This event is a symbol of the LGBTQ+ fight against the prejudice of society and inspired many government policies.
During this period it is possible to see many parades, festivals, and concerts going on across the globe that represent the right for everyone to be who they are.
Since Stonewall, the LGBTQ+ community has achieved remarkable progress.
Historic Brazilian Federal Supreme Court rulings in recent years have struck down regressive laws, affirmed the right to marriage equality, and secured workplace protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in Brazil.
Even though gay marriage is not provided in law, in 2011, the Brazilian Justice recognized the stable union between couples of the same sex as a family entity and, in 2013, the National Council of Justice published a resolution in which it provided for and made civil gay marriage possible.
As it can be seen, the LGBTQ+’s rights have grown over the last years, especially with the gay marriage possibility, but is not the end. For instance, Brazil is the country that kills the most transsexual people in the world and has a homophobic president; that is why it’s necessary an event such as the “Pride Month” to remind all lives ripped by the prejudice and to reaffirm that love is what matters.
June is the “Pride Month”, when is celebrated a tribute to those who were involved in the Stonewall Riots in 1969. This event is a symbol of the LGBTQ+ fight against the prejudice of the society and inspired many government policies.
During this period it can possible to see many parades, festivals, and concerts going on across the globe that represent the right of everybody be who they are.
Since Stonewall, the LGBTQ+ community has achieved remarkable progress.
Historic Brazilian Federal Supreme Court rulings in recent years have struck down regressive laws, affirmed the right to marriage equality, and secured workplace protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in Brazil.
Even though gay marriage is not provided in law, in 2011 the Brazilian Justice recognized the stable union between couples of the same sex as a family entity and, in 2013, the National Council of Justice published a resolution in which it provided for and made civil gay marriage possible.
As it can be seen, the LGBTQ+’s rights have grew up/increased during the last years, especially with the gay marriage possibility, but is not the end. For instance, Brazil is the country that kill the most transsexual people in the world and has a homophobic president; that is why it’s necessary an event such as the “Pride Month” to remind all lives ripped by the prejudice and to reaffirm that love it what matters.
Due to the issue of COVID-19, immigration has been much more severe because many people are being deported, mainly in the United States of America. Although they were living for years and years there, they were sent back. Thousands of Brazilians. With this, the issue of unemployment in the country could increase even more. In this case, this attitude was not expected nor the question of returning to the country of origin. It happened not only to Brazilians, but also to other countries; mainly The USA. It is a matter of opinion, but it is unpleasant to see this situation of dozens of families, all of a sudden, having to leave their home, friends, history, and return to their country. The USA is already having disagreements with other countries, not making more negotiations as it was 1 year ago; besides that, with the electoral issues coming up, how is everything? COVID-19 took the world by surprise, but it is up to its people to show solidarity with those who live there; many bad and big things are happening nowadays.
Due to the issue of COVID-19, immigration has been much more severe, because many people are being deported, mainly in the United States of America, they could have lived years and years there, they are sending them back, only thousands of Brazilians. With this, the issue of unemployment in the country could increase even more, in this case this attitude was not expected nor the question of returning to the country of origin. But not only Brazil; Other countries too, but the main one is the USA. It is a matter of opinion, but it is unpleasant to see this situation of dozens of families, all of a sudden you have to leave your home, friends, your history, and return to your country. The USA, are already having disagreements with other countries, not making more negotiations as it was 1 year ago. And with the electoral issues coming up, how is everything? COVID-19 took the world by surprise, but it is up to its people to show solidarity with those who live, many bad and big things are happening.