Escolha um dos temas abaixo e escreva um texto expressando sua opinião de forma complexa e seguindo os guidelines para a construção do texto. Você poderá citar fatos, histórias e eventos relacionados ao tema escolhido para complementar o texto opcionalmente. Após a postagem dos textos, cada aluno fará pelo menos (2) comentários livres concordando ou discordando das opiniões apresentadas por duas pessoas diferentes.
Gun Control Marriage Equality Death Penalty (Capital Punishment)
Addiction to videogames - a disease? Creation x Evolution
Religious Freedom
Marijuana Legalization Current Presidency of Brazil/USA. Animal Rights
The Pharmaceutical Industry (pills)
Plastic Surgery
__________________________________________________________________________________ Guidelines (diretrizes): O seu texto deverá ter os seguintes principais elementos linguísticos: - Tente fazer uso de pelo menos 80% do que será pedido abaixo. Connectors (addition, contrast, result, illustration, purpose, etc.) - Use pelo menos 3 conectores no seu texto principal e 1 conector em cada comentário que fizer no post de outras pessoas. - If-clauses - Pelo menos 1 vez no texto principal - Punctuation Markers (use: periods, commas e pelo menos 1 vez faça o uso de semicolon)
- Giving Opinions - Intermediate Expressions - Modal Verbs - Present Perfect (forms)
- Relative Pronouns
- Prefixes & Suffixes
- Adverbs (mode)
TEXT LENGTH - Min: 6 lines (computer) / 12 lines (phone)
As is known, some european countries have had problems with population density. It could be explained by the evasion of young people and an higher longevity of old population. If you ask me how can a country solve this issue, I'd say to enhance the imigrantion program of these places. In my humble opinion, when you bring good imigrants, wiliing to work and live in peace you put a workforce in your labor market. It certainly improves the economy and the governament gets more taxes. However, the imigration prgram must be complete and eficienty to avoid bad person in this country. For example, Canada has a good imigration program. Meanwhile, England keeps have difficulties to receive new people to live there. I don't know if these thoughts will be used for the whole world, nonetheless this issue must be solved.