Write a text about your childhood and your adolescence and mention your past habits. Then, mention your present habits. - You can write a childhood story or a fact that happened when you were younger.
- You can write about repeated actions in the past related to your life or someone else's life.
- After writing about your past habits, you can mention things you are used to doing now, but you didn't use to do when you were a kid or a teenager.
- Remember to use (would - used to - to be used to)
Min ( 4 lines )
When I was young I used to be happier. We're poor and often We needed recycle to gain money to eat, but I was always happy and smiling. It's interesting because I miss be happy like I was. Somethings that I did with my brothers created great memories in me. I'd like enjoy more. Regarding money I can't complain, but as for my dreams I've been desconected. I only have goals now and I don't like this.
the first thing that comes to my mind is how I used to feel when my mom asked me if I would go to church with her or not, because I didn't like it that much, but at the same time, I didn't like to disappoint my mom, so... sometimes I went, and sometimes I didn't.
a thing that I still doing is play games. in all my life, I liked to play games, specially as a child. I remember that I used to play GTA SA, and how much I would play LoL after school..
unfortunately, today I'm working too much, so I don't usually have time to play or even feel like it, but I now that I can change it buying a new console rofl.
today, I'm trying to practice music everyday, but it's hard, when I think about the work. if I have a new job, where would I be working less, I'd like to play games more, and play electric guitar too.
When I was kid I used to go to Church with my aunt and cousins every Sundays, I loved attending bible school.
After that, when I was teenage I moved out of town and I kept going to alone. Now, I don't usually go anymore.
In my childhood, during the week I liked to watch tv after school and now I love to watching after my work, although nowadays I don't have a lot of free time. In my adult life I just work, study and payment bill. LoL
When I was little I used to pinch anyone who sat next to me on the elbow.
Besides that, when I was younger around 8 or 9 years old I liked it when I arrived from school and I would go straight to turn on the TV to see Maria do Bairro.
Nowadays, I don't do any of that anymore, but now I usually watch many Korean TV shows.
When I was little I used to pinch anyone who sat next to me on the elbow.
And also when I was younger around 8 to 9 years old I liked that when I arrived from school I would go straight Turn on the TV to see Maria do Bairro
Nowadays I don't do any of that anymore, but now I usually watch many Korean tv shows
In my childhood, I used to be a very mischievous and difficult person, because I did not like to play other children. Since kid I always loved animals I now I work with animals. When I was kid I would like to be a veterinarian, but after I found the biology course and choosed it. I miss my grandparents`home because when I was a kid I was always going there and my grandmother did little rain cake and my granfather read some book for me.
When I got into a new school, I was used to waking up at 5:00 AM and going out at 5:45 AM to get there at 7:00 AM. But during this quarantine, I got addicted to going to sleep at around 3:00 AM. That's not a good thing, I don't like it as well, but I can't control. I would like to wake up early every day to enjoy the entire day, but I have this problem.
when I was a kid I used to play on the street with my friends today I don't do that, because I have a lot to do and now I have video games, which occupy the time I played on the street, and I also lost interest in playing on the street,bacause i like play sports with jiu-jutso,karate and surf
As a child I liked to sleep late and wake up late on weekends and whenever I could.
Today I see the time, I lost, but I Wake up today very early, even on weekends, I feel very good. I can better organize my time and tasks, leaving nothing hanging or piling up. I am Always with my side schedule and other organizing tools.
When I was 10 I used to wake up early to go to class, but I didn't like to study, I used to draw in my notebook the whole class, even absorbing a lot of knowledge, when I came home, I used to have lunch, take a shower and take a nap, when I woke up I used to either play video games or watch something on the computer, when it was later I would go down to play with my friends until bedtime and start another day doing basically the same things.
Today I usually wake up a little later, I go to college but I don't draw in the notebook anymore, I pay attention in class, because I end up early to go to work, when I get to work I usually have lunch and then to make coffee, When I finish this I usually turn on my computer and ask my bosses if there is anything urgent to do, otherwise I will continue my standard work until it is time to leave. When I'm leaving, I usually go as fast as possible to the point and get the fastest bus to get home, get ready, study and go to sleep.