Conte-nos sobre os tipos e materiais de roupas que você gosta de vestir. Não se esqueça de dizer qual roupa você está vestindo no momento em que escreve seu comentário.
I like to wear shorts, tank top and sandals in sun days, in cool days i like jeans and sweater.
Right now I'm wear dress.
I like to wear sleeveless shirts, shorts and flip flops because of the hot weather.
For work, I wear t-shirts and shorts because it is more comfortable.
In the winter, I like to wear pants and jackets.
I don't like wear t-shirts on hot days.
I like to wear woolen clothes, because it is very comfortable. But just in the winter.
I like to wear pajamas, all day and all the time.
Now I'm wearing pajamas and socks.
I like all comfortable clothes.
I like to wear a dress, because of heat. Now, I am wearing pajamas.
I like to wear a dress and sneakers. Right now, I'm wearing pajamas.
I like to wear t-shirts,shorts, flip flops and cap.
Right não wearing formal shirt, formal pants,formal shoes,black socks and yellow tie.
I like wear jeans, t-shirt and sneakers
Righ now wear short and strip cropped