Elabore 3 pequenos diálogos em que você use CAN-COULD de diferentes formas. Lembre-se que estudamos os diferentes usos destes dois modal verbs na unit 3. Caso precise, dê uma olhadinha na unidade.
Vamos lá! Você terá que elaborar os diálogos dentro dos seguintes contextos.
1 - At school - Talking to a classmate. ( 6 lines at least )
2 - At work - Talking to your boss. ( 6 lines at least )
3 - At school - Talking to your teacher. ( 6 lines at least )
At school - Talking to a classmate. ( 6 lines at least )
John: Good Morning, Sarah!
Sarah: Hi, Morning!
John: Can you help me with homework?
Sarah: Of course! we meet today after class.
John: Thanks! See you.
Sarah: See you!
At work - Talking to your boss. ( 6 lines at least )
Derick: Hey boss!
Luca: Hi, Derick!
Derick: Could you buy some items for the office?
Luca: Yes, you can send me the list of what you need.
Derick: Thank you! I will send it to your email.
Luca: No problem!
At school - Talking to your teacher. ( 6 lines at least )
Lisa: Good morning !
Anna: Morning Lisa!
Lisa: Teacher, could you review this exercise?
Anna: yes, I can do a review with you after class, is that ok?
Lisa: Thanks teacher.
Anna: You’re welcome.