Descreva sua,rotina em pelo menos 2 dias da semana. (Verificar conteúdo Days of the Week).
Não se esqueça de utilizar TIME SEQUENCERS como:
First of all (Primeiro de tudo)
First (Primeiro)
Then (Então)
After (Depois)
After work/school (Depois da escola)
After that (Após isso)
Afterwards (Após isso - Mais formal)
Right after that (Bem depois disso)
Later (Mais tarde - Depois)
Finally (Finalmente/Pra terminar)
Simple Connectors:
And ( Conector 'e' )
But ( Conector 'Mas')
So (Então - Conclusão)
Estude também ( IN ON AT) na seção (GRAMMAR)
My routine on Fridays and Sunday.
My name is João Varella, I'm a student and teen.
On Frydays, I wake up 06:00 am, them I take a shower, after have breakfest, brush my teeth and I get ready. 07:20 am I go to school and I go back 12:00 am. In house I have lunch and I sleeping . I wake up 06:00 pm after, I go to gr in the church with my friends and I go back 09:00 pm. I take a shower after, I have a dinner, play games and I go to bed sleep.
On Sundays , I always wake up 07:40 am for go dominical school in the church 08:30 am after, I see the cult and I go to home. I have lunch, play games and go back a church 06:00 pm, and it ends 09:00 pm. I have dinner and sleep 01:00 am, so that the next day, I wake up to go school.