Elabore 3 pequenos diálogos nos quais pessoas de diferentes lugares do mundo iniciam uma conversa para se conhecerem.
Vamos lá! Você terá que elaborar os diálogos dentro dos seguintes contextos:
1. Talking to a foreigner at the beach. (8 lines at least)
2 . Talking to a foreigner at work/ or at school. (8 lines at least)
3 . Talking to a foreigner at Rock in Rio. (8 lines at least)
O que eu devo usar para elaborar os diálogos?
- Greetings (para cumprimentar e iniciar a conversa)
- Countries and Nationalities (perguntas relacionadas)
- Personal Information Questions (perguntas extras para complementar o diálogo)
- Farewells (encerre o diálogo de maneira educada e depois acrescente farewells)
Não se prenda a usar somente o que foi pedido. Essa é a parte obrigatória, mas você pode adicionar ao diálogo o vocabulário e frases que você quiser, contanto que siga as instruções anteriores.
Talking to a Foreigner at the beach.
Andre: Hi! Good morning!
Foreigner: Morning! I'm fine, thank you. How are you?
Andre: I'm good, thanks! What about you? Are you enjoying the beach?
Foreigner: Yes, it's beautiful here.
Andre: What's your name? Where are you from?
Foreigner: I'm from Canada, my name is Paul, and you?
Andre: I'm from Brazil, my name is André. What are you doing here in Brazil?
Foreigner: I came to work. I took the opportunity to see the beach too.
Andre: Cool! Welcome!
Foreigner: Thanks! Sorry, I need to go now, my free time is over.
Andre: Alright, have a nice day and good work!
Foreigner: Likewise!
Talking to Foreigner at work/or at school.
André: Hey, good morning! How are you?
Foreigner: Morning! I'm fine, what about you?
André: I'm good, thanks!
Foreigner: Nice to meet you.
André: Likewise.
Foreigner: Where are you from? What's your name?
André: I'm from Brazil. My name is André. And you?
Foreigner: My name is Carl. I'm from Germany.
André: What work did you come to do?
Foreigner: I came to fix the crane.
André: Cool.
Foreigner: Sorry, I'm going to start working now. Have a nice day!
André: Thanks! Have a nice day too, bro!
Talking to a foreigner at Rock in Rio.
André: Hey, good evening! How's it going?
Foreigner: Good evening! I'm fine, what about you?
André: Good! What's your name?
Foreigner: My name is Alice, and yours?
André: My name is André. Where are you from?
Foreigner: I'm from Australia, and you?
André: I'm from Brazil. Nice to meet you.
Foreigner: Likewise! Is this your first time at Rock in Rio?
André: Yes, what about you?
Foreigner: It's my first time too.
André: What's your favorite band?
Foreigner: My favorite band is Metallica.
André: I like Metallica and Megadeth too!
Foreigner: Nice!
André: Sorry, I have to meet some friends, have fun. Good night!
Foreigner: Thank you! Bye-bye!